Steven, Laurence
in: Leroux, Jean-Francois/La Bossiere, Camille R., eds. Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004. p. 57-72.
Johnston, Susan
In: Ransom, Amy J. and Grace, Dominick M., eds. Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Bridging the Solitudes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. p. 119-133.
Gray, Brenna C.
in: Scott, Kevin M., ed. Marvel Comics' Civil War and the Age of Terror: Critical Essays on the Comic Saga. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 58-68.
Wollheim, Donald A.
Uncanny Tales (Canada), 2(20): 115+. December 1942; reprinted in: Friendly Aliens: Thirteen Stories of the Fantastic Set in Canada, ed. John Robert Colombo. Toronto: Hounslow Pr, 1981. p. 175+.
Runte, Robert
in: Weiss, Allan, ed. The Canadian Fantastic in Focus: New Perspectivs. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 14-33.
Taylor, Drew H.
canadianart (Blog) December 6, 2016. (accessed 10 June 2020).
Schwartzberg, Shlomo
Financial Post p. 28. May 20, 1995. (Available on Insite2)
Vonarburg, Elisabeth
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 177-187.
Mascaro, Patricia Ellen
Master's Thesis, University of Windsor (Canada), 1994. 163 p. (MAI 34(2): 532. April 1996.)
Ransom, Amy J.
New York Review of Science Fiction 21(9): 1, 6-8. May 2009. (No. 249)
La Bossiere, Camille R.; Leroux, Jean-Francois
Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004. 202 p.
Choyce, Lesley
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 204-211.
Pelletier, Francine
in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 170-176.
Fondse, Christtine Heather
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1987. 360 p. (DAI-A 48(9): 2263. March 1988.)
Serruys, Nicholas
Voix plurielles, 5(2): 28-44. 2008. URL : Accessed 23 September 2021.
Watson, Greer
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp. 37-54.
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