Ryman, Geo; Talabi, Wole
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Maurits, Peter J.
In: Barbini, Francesca T., ed. The Evolution of African Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Luna Press Publishing, 2018. p. 1-28.
Wood, Nick
Vector No. 289: . Summer 2019.
Hoffman, Christian
Quarber Merkur No. 91/92: 17-44. 2000.
Okoro, Dike
In: Okoro, Dike, ed. Futurism and the African Imagination: Literature and Other Arts. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 57-69.
Donovan, Stephen
London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013. 340 p.
Malan, Robert S.
In: Barbini, Francesca T., ed. The Evolution of African Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Luna Press Publishing, 2018. p. 97-109.
Langer, Jessica
in: Booker, M. Keith, ed. Contemporary Speculative Fiction. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. p. 169-186.
Wilby, Liam H.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Leeds, 2021. https://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/29686/
Carstens, Delphi; Roberts, Mer
Scrutiny2 14(1): 79-94. 2009.
Samuelson, Meg
In: Cooke, Stuart and Denney, Peter, eds. Transcultural Ecocriticism Global, Romantic and Decolonial Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. p. 63-81.
Odumboni, Kayode
In: Emenyonu, Ernest and Nwankwo, Chimalum, eds. Speculative and Science Fiction: African Literature Today. Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2021. p. 57-70.
Osei, Elizabeth A.
Journal of the African Literature Association 17(2): 298-314. 2023.
Yaszek, Lisa
Paradoxa 25: 47-66. 2013.
Serrano Serrano, Andrea
Bachelor's Thesis, University Autonoma de Barcelona, 2020. [4], 32 p. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/tfg/2020/231971/SerranoSerranoAndrea_TFG2020.pdf
Rettová, Alena
Research in African Literatures 48(1): 158-182. Spring 2017.
Irtenkauf, Dominik
In: Gorden, Michael, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2018. Munich: Golkonda Verlags, 2018. p. 77-96.
Levontin, Polina
In: Barbini, Francesca T., ed. The Evolution of African Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Luna Press Publishing, 2018. p. 71-96.
Smith, Brady
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 3(3): 345-359. September 2016.
Osuji, Clara I.
In: Emenyonu, Ernest and Nwankwo, Chimalum, eds. Speculative and Science Fiction: African Literature Today. Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2021. p. 83-94. Also in: African Literature Today No. 39: 83-94. 2022.
Dodd, Jeffrey G.
African Literature Today No. 39: 31-42. 2022.
White, Luise
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. 352 p.
Emenyonu, Ernest; Nwankwo, Chimalum
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Using, Kufre
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Bould, Mark
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