Yudina, Ekaterina
In: Westfahl, Gary, ed. Jules Verne Lives!: Essays on His Works and Legacy. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 111-115.
Vida, Raluca Anamaria
Echinox Journal No. 9: 262-272. 2005.
Roboly, Dimitri
Echinox Journal No. 9: 43-51. 2005.
Picot, Jean-Pierre
Echinox Journal No. 9: 32-42. 2005.
Hamdan, Dima
Echinox Journal No. 9: 121-130. 2005.
Klimchynskaya, Anastasia
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2019. 251 p. (DAI-A 81(2).)
Capitanio, Sarah
in: Smyth, Edmund J., ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2000. pp.60-77.
Thadewald, Wolfgang
Berlin, Verlag Dorbrunnen/Bremerhaven, Jules-Verne Club, 
2013. 161 p.
Frazier, Joel; Hathorne, Harry
Cinefantastique 14(3):32-53. May 1984.
Smiley, Robin H.
Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine 10(7/8): 42-47. July/August 2000.
Myers, Edward
New Hartford, CT: Country Lane Books, 1989. 79pp.
Platten, David
in: Smyth, Edmund J., ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2000. pp.78-93.
Coutrix-Gouax, Mireille; Souffrin, P.
Europe 56(595-596): 67-72. Novembre/Decembre 1978.
Crovisier, Jacques
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 9: 43-56. 2016/2017.
Gondolo Della Riva, Piero
Europe 56(595-596): 73-82. Novembre/Decembre 1978.
Margot, Jean-Michel
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 9: 87-92. 2016/2017.
Harpold, Terry
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 9: 57-86. 2016/2017.
Gilead, Amihud
Philosophy and Literature 34(1): 173-87. Apeil 2010.
Taves, Brian
Library of Congress Information Bulletin 53(1): 7-11. January 10, 1994.
Sudret, Laurence
in: Huftier, Arnaud, ed. Rosny aine & les autres formes. Paris: Editions Kime, 2006. p. 201-214. (Otrante: Arte et litterature fantastiques No. 19–20: 201-214. autonme 2006)
Knight, Damon
in: Verne, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. New York: Washington Square Books, 1965. p. 383-386.
Dehs, Volker; Schmidt, Stefan
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 7: 97-104. 2014/2015.
Rothstein, Edward
New York Times [3pp.] February 3, 1997. (Cited from the Online Edition)
Scheinhardt, Philippe
Europe No. 909/910: 159-169. January/February 2005.
Kontaratos, A. N.
Look 33(11):74-78. May 27, 1969.
Evans, Arthur B.
Science Fiction Studies 43(2): 194-206. July 2016.
Hillegas, Mark R.
Extrapolation 3(2):32-47. May 1962.
Tondu, Bertrand
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Jules Verne: Les Machines et la Science; Actes du Colloque international 12 October 2005. Nantes: Coiffard, 2005. p. 124-133.
Compere, Daniel
Paris: Lettres Moderne, 1977. 171 p.
Benthail, J.
Architectural Design 49(2):69-70. 1974.
Frank, Susi K.
Journal of Northern Studies No. 1: 67-86. 2010.
Moskowitz, Sam
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction. New York: World, 1963. pp. 73-87. (Reprinted from Satellite February 1958.) (Reprinted in Science Fantasy, No. 43, 1960.)
Miller, Walter J.
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 1: 1-8. 2008/2009. (http://www.verniana.org/)
Golding, William
Spectator 6937:841-842. June 9, 1961.
in: Golding, William. The Hot Gates. New York: Harcourt, 1966. pp. 111-115.
Vierne, Simone
Annales de Bretagne 73: 445-458. 1966.
Bollinger, Jean-Claude
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 10: 91-134. 2017/2018.
Carroll, Elizabeth A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, The University of Iowa, 2015. 252 p. (DAI-A 77/07(E))
Picot, Jean-Pierre; Robin, Christian
in: Picot, Jean-Pierre andRobin, Christian, eds. Jules Verne: Cent ans après. Rennes: Terre de brume, 2005. p . 9-21.
Dehs, Volker
French Studies 73(2): 266-277. April 2019.
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 10: 155-190. 2017/2018.
Riding, Alan
New York Times pp.B1, B4. September 27, 1994.
No authors listed.
in: Picot, Jean-Pierre and Robin, Christian, eds. Jules Verne: Cent ans après. Rennes: Terre de brume, 2005. p . 391-412.
Lundwall, S. J.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 153-156.
Clark, Randall
in: Wright, David C., Jr. and Austin, Allan W., eds. Space and Time: Essays on Visions of History in Science Fiction and Fantasy Television. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 29-42.
Maertens, James W.
Science Fiction Studies 22(2): 209-225. July 1995.
El Hajj, Murielle
In: Montoneri, Bernard, ed. Science Fiction and Anticipation: Utopias, Dystopias and Time Travel. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 45-66.
Lachacinski, Winicjusz
Pruszkow: Wydawca Oficyna Wydawnicza, 1998. 96pp.
Paris : Societé Jules Verne, 1977-1985. 2 volumes.
Margot, J. M.
Paris: Societe Jules Verne, 1977. 142 p.
Found 728 items on 15 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.