Kincaid, Paul
Steam Engine Time No. 5: 5-7. September 2006. Also online as: Paper presented at the Academic Track, World Science Fiction Convention, Glascow, Scotland, August 4-8, 2005. 5 p. Online at:
No authors listed.
Locus 37(6): 7, 73-74. December 1996.
Locus 42(5): 10. May 1999.
Science Fiction Chronicle 20(5): 10. May 1999.
Matrix No. 162: 4. July/August 2003
Locus. 65(1): 6, 34-38. July 2010.
Priest, Christopher
Vector No. 206: 13-15. July/August 1999.
Locus 56(6): 7, 77. June 2006.
Chronicle 25(7): 16. August 2003 (No. 238)
Butler, Andrew M.
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 129-146.
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 147-164.
Langford, David
Scratch Pad (Australia) No. 41: 3. 2000. (Online at )
Locus 68(5): 10. May 2012.
Brosnan, John
Science Fiction Monthly 1(12): 24-27. 1974.
Platt, Charles
in: Platt, Charles. Dream Makers: Volume II. New York: Berkley, 1983. pp. 25-33.
Ruddick, Nicholas
Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1989. 104pp.
in: Kincaid, Paul. Call and Response. Essex, UK: Beccon Publications, 2014. p. 249-268.
In: Bleiler, Richard, ed. Science Fiction Writers. Second Edition. New York: Scribner’s, 1999. p. 617-627.
Burelbach, Frederick M.
in: Harris-Fain, Darren. British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Since 1960. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson/Gale, 2002. p. 327-335.
Hubble, Nick
Foundation 45([3]; #125): 48-60. 2016.
Vector No. 206: 16. July/August 1999.
Dumay, Giles
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 27-34.
Scratch Pad (Australia) No. 41: 2-7. 2000. (Online at )
Focus (BSFA) No. 58: 13-16. Spring 2012.
SFRA Review No. 291: 9-13. Winter 2010.
Locus 92(3): 5, 76. March 2024.
Locus 17(6):4. June 1984.
In: Langford, David. Crosstalk: Interviews Conducted by David Langford. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2015. p. 51-64.
Murcia, Alberto
Helice: Reflexiones críticas sobre ficción especulativa No. 6: 27-32. November 2007.
Sawyer, Andy
Vector No. 221: 12-14. January/February 2002.
Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. 185 p.
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 53-64.
Fletcher, John
International Fiction Review 3: 20-24. 1979.
Stableford, Brian
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 480-483.
Sleight, Graham
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 11-26.
Agarwal, Dev
Albedo One No. 32: 4-10. February 2007.
Borsch, Frank
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr Nr. 11, 1996. München: Heyne, 1996. p. 484-497.
Van Parys, Thomas
In: Hunter, I. Q. and Van Parys, Thomas, eds. Science Fiction Across Media: Adaptation/Novelization. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2013. p. 201-210.
Foundation No. 95: 89-103. Autumn 2005.
Renaud, Jeff
Starlog 346: 52-54. June 2006.
Locus 55(6): 11. December 2005.
Chronicle 28(2; [266]): 19. February/March 2006.
Gillespie, Bruce
Scratch Pad (Australia) No. 41: 13-16. 2000. (Online at )
Thielemans, Johan
in: De Vos, Luk, ed. Just the Other Day. Antwerp: Restant, 1985. pp.481-494.
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 7-9.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1045-1049.
Pringle, David
in: Pringle, David. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1985. pp.169-170.
Duparray, Max
in: Le Voyage Romantique et ses reecritures. Ciermont Ferrand: Cac. des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Clermont-Ferrand, 1987. pp.289-298.
Vector No. 127: 9-10. August/September 1985.
Wingrove, David
Vector 93:3-9. May/June 1979.
Found 87 items on 2 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.