Priest, Christopher
Vector No. 127: 9-10. August/September 1985.
Wingrove, David
Vector 93:3-9. May/June 1979.
Barillier, Etienne
Ph. D. Dissertation, Université de Limoges, 1993.
Tuttle, Lisa
Interzone No. 88: 48-51. October 1994.
Kincaid, Paul
Vector No. 208: 10-15. November/December 1999.
Vector No. 206: 10-13. July/August 1999.
Gomel, Elana
Science Fiction Studies 22(3): 343-356. November 1995
Hurst, L. J.
in: Kincaid, Paul/Butler, Andrew M., eds. The Arthur C. Clarke Award: A Critical Anthology. Daventry, UK: Serendip Foundation, 2006. p. 191-202.
Ruddick, Nicholas
Modern Fiction Studies 32(1):43-52. Spring 1986.
SF Commentary 59:1-3,15-16. April 1980. also in: Science Fiction Review 9(3):17-21. August 1980; Vector 97:5-14. April 1980.
Roche, Alan
Interzone No. 99: 18-20. September 1995.
Interzone No. 88: 52. October 1994.
No authors listed.
Locus 69(2): 10. August 2012.
Locus 50(6): 12, 74. June 2003
D’Ammassa, Don; Kincaid, Paul
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 753-755.
Hubble, Nick
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 35-52.
Foundation 13:51-56. May 1978.
Langford, David
New York Review of Science Fiction 21(8): 10-11. April 2008. (No. 248)
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 79-96.
Kiausch, Usch; Mamczak, Sascha
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr Nr. 17, 2002. Munich: Heyne, 2002. p. 497-512.
Interzone No. 294: . 2023. MYY Press, Przystankova 7/12, 52-231 Wroclaw, Poland.
Interzone No. 294: 135-142. January 2023.
March-Russell, Paul
in: Edwards, Caroline and Venezia, Antonio, eds. China Mieville: Critical Essays. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2015. p. 139-158.
Burroughs, Todd S.
in: Darowski, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of The Avengers: Essays on the Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 103-119.
Wolf-Meyer, Matthew J.
in: Butler, Andrew M., ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Liverpool, UK: The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. p. 65-78.
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