Martin, Ross
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Eisfeld, Rainer
Quarber Merkur No. 122: 115-120. Februar 2022.
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On Spec 21(3): 101-108. Fall 2009. (No. 78)
On Spec 20(4): 98-103. Winter 2009/2009. (No. 75)
Ferrando, Francesca
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 180-182. Extracts.
Smith, Smin
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 108-115.
Joiner, Dorothy
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 1(4):59-66. 1988.
Lewis, Roger C.
in: Morse, Donald E., ed. The Fantastic in World Literature and the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp.103-114.
Henderson, Chris
Starlog 73:22-25. August 1983.
McDonald, Brian
in: Dunn, George A. and Michaud, Nicholas, eds. The Hunger Games and Philosophy: a Critique of Pure Treason. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012. p. 8-25.
Carubo, Laura
(Boulder Co.) Daily Camera July 9, 1989. in: NewsBank. Literature 80:G4. 1989.
Vankin, Deborah
Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2022: E1, E3.
Barr, Marleen S.
in: Jones, Libby F., ed. Feminism, Utopia, and Narrative. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1990. pp.21-33.
Bassett, Lisa Jane
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1992. xiii, 378 p. (DAI-A 53(4): 1164. October 1992.)
Barrett, Robert R.
Burroughs Bulletin NS No. 10: 16-22. April 1992.
Ogden, Pete
in: Van Hise, James, ed. Edgar Rice Burroughs' Fantastic Worlds. Yucca Valley, CA: James Van Hise, 1996. pp.111-117.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 4: 3-12. October 1990.
Meglin, Nick
American Artist 40(406):38-45,77. May 1976.
Redmond, Jeff
The Drink Tank No. 107: 3-10. 2006.
Nardelli, Fred
Amsterdam, NY: Nardelli, 1975. 26 p.
Weber, Bruce
New York Times p. B15. May 11, 2010.
Frazetta, Frank
Neshannock PA: Hermes Press, 2013. 189 p.
No authors listed.
Locus 20(4):5. April 1987.
Mason, Edward
in: Mason, Edward, ed. Telling Stories: The Comic Art of Frank Frazetta. Nevada City, CA: BlackBart Books, 2008. p. 7-32.
Burroughs Bulletin NS. No. 25: 22-27. January 1996.
Chronicle 27(3): 9. March 2005 (No. 257)
Oliver, Myrna
Los Angeles Times Part B, p. 10. January 4, 2005.
Kaderabek, Ginger
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 2(4): 34-40. July/August 1978.
Locus 46(3): 4-5, 83. March 2001.
Elliot, Jeffrey M.
in: Elliot, J. M. Science Fiction Voices #4. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1982. pp. 38-50. (Reprinted from Thrust, 1980).
Taurasi, James V., Sr.
Fantasy Times No. 268:3. April (1) 1957.
Saunders, David
Illustration 14(54): 58-83. November 2016.
New York Times Sec. 1, p. 56. June 30, 1963.
New York Times p. 56. June 30, 1963..
Paul, Frank R.; Weist, Jerry
San Diego, CA: IDW, 2014. 160 p.
Keller, Ken
Trumpet 12: 28-31. Summer 1981.
Frazetta, Frank; Spurlock, J. David
(Vanguard Productions, 2022. 168 p.
Nicholls, Stan
Interzone No. 167: 27-31. May 2001.
Science Fiction Chronicle 19(2): 5. November 1997.
Toelle, Kevin
Burroughs Bulletin 3:12-15. July 1990.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 28: 25-28. Fall 1996.
Korshak, Stephen D.; Paul, Frank R.
Orlando, FL: Shasta-Phoenix, 2009. 128 p.
Bleiler, Everett F.
Fantasy Commentator 9(3): 172-173. Fall 1998. (No. 51)
Zakharchenko, Vasili
Soviet Life pp. 24-27. April 1975.
Nazzaro, Joe
Starlog 252: 27-37. July 1998.
Bova, Ben
Science Fiction Age 2(3): 70-75. March 1994.
Radford, Robert
Burlington Magazine 158(1354): 42-43. January 2016.
Hardy, David A.; Moore, Patrick
London: Harper Design International, 2004. 112 p.
Markoff, John
San Francisco Chronicle p. E11. December 7, 1990.
Di Fate, Vincent; Reed, Roger
Science Fiction Age 2(5): 70-75. July 1994.
Futures Past: 1926 (Convoy, OH) p. 30-33. 1991.
Furtado, Nicole Ku'uleinapuananioliko'awapuhimelemeleolani Parubrub
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2023. 181 p. (DAI-A 85(1)(E).)
Amazing Stories 67(4): 52-56. July 1992.
Demos, T. J.
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 201-210. Extracts from ‘Gardening Against the Apocalypse: The Case of dOCUMENTA (13)’, in Decolonizing Nature: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016) 229, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239–51, 253–7 .
Brock, Jason V.
in: Brock, Jason V. Disorders of Magnitude: A Survey of Dark Fantasy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. p. 31-33. (Reprinted from Dark Discoveries, Winter/Spring 2010)
Dixon, Glenn
Art Issues No. 63: 24-28. Summer 2000.
Schweitzer, Darrell
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 4: 15-19. Spring 1989.
Paglia, Camille
The Chronicle of Higher Education. October 15, 2012. [7 p.] Online resource:
To The Stars 2: 10-12. 1984.
Thomsen, Christian W.
in: Rusch, Gebhard and Schmidt, Siegfried J., eds. Konstruktivismus: Geschichte und Andwendung. Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp, 1992. 295-303.
Benford, Gregory
in: Westfahl, Gary, Slusser, George, and Plummer, Kathleen C., eds. Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. pp. 61-67.
Poyarkov, Sergey
in: Budrys, Algis, ed. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Vol. XVII. Los Angeles, CA: Bridge, 2001. pp. 238-242.
Raham, Gary
Fantasy: The Fantasy Artists Networking Zine 1(2):9, 22. June 1979.
Metzl, E.
American Artist 19(2):24-29. February 1955.
Dawson, Jennifer Anne
Master's Thesis, San Diego State University, 2020. viii, 48 p. (MAI 82(6)(E).)
Locus 19(8):7. August 1986.
Science Fiction Chronicle 3(3):17. December 1981.
Gustafson, Jon
Science Fiction Review 4(2):48-52. 1975.
Science Fiction Review 1(4): 18-19. Summer 1991. (Dated Winter 1991 on contents page.)
Moscati, Camillo
Burroughs Bulletin No. 65: 6-8. Winter 2006.
Science Fiction Chronicle 3(6):16. March 1982.
Murray, Will
Starlog 252: 71-77. July 1998.
Miller, Ron
In: Stein, Michael, ed. Alien Invasions! The History of Aliens in Pop Culture. San Diego: IDW Publishing, 2020. p. 12-29.
Anderson, Anne
Journal of the William Morris Society 13(1): 65-71. Autumn 1998.
Adams, Leith; Borst, Ronald V.; Burns, Keith
New York: Grove Press, 1992. 240pp.
Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 57, 2004. p. 47-52.
Gallo, Irene [11 p.] March 24, 2009. (
Locus 82(1): 32. January 2019.
Locus 68(4): 40. April 2012.
Dean, Martyn
New York: Arco, 1984. 111 p.
Science Fiction Chronicle 8(10):12. July 1987.
Houston, David
Starlog 26: 26-30. September 1979.
Kemp, Earl T.
el 3(1): [4 p.] February 2004. (Online resource:
Reiter, Ralf
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2009. Munchen: Heyne, 2009. p. 1111-1146.
Science Fiction Chronicle 2(5):12. February 1981.
Science Fiction Times No. 415:2,6. May 1964.
Bok, Hannes
Fanscient 4(3/4): 28-39. Spring/Summer 1951. (No. 13/14) (Reprinted in: Sword and Sorcery No. 3: 56-69. July 2005.) (Reprinted in: Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds. Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle. Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009.)
Lakewood, CO: Centipede Press, 2013. 464 p.
Schwartz, Julius; Weisinger, Mortimer
Science Fiction Digest 1(8): 3-4. April 1933.
New York Times Sec. 1, p. 23. May 14, 1948.
Starlog 26: 46-47. September 1979.
Dodworth, Cameron
Supernatural Studies 2 (2): 73-92 (Summer 2015).
Starlog 350: 62-66. November 2006.
Russo, Kathleen
in: Palumbo, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. pp.39-57.
Tooman, Zachary
Style 51(2): 167-186. 2017;
Doering, Dave
Leading Edge No. 10:52-56. Fall 1985.
Starlog 198: 43-49, 82. January 1994.
Found 1,192 items on 12 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.