Toppano, Michela
ReS Futurae No. 5, 2015. Accessed 7.Aug.2015.
Ordway, Frederick I., III
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Bromberg, Pamela S.
in: Palumbo, Donald, ed. Spectrum of the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988. pp.41-51.
Andrews, Jorella; Gunkel, Henriette; Hameed, Ayesha
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Shanks, Gwyneth
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 80-90. Extracts from ‘Visualising the Now: The Alien, the Island and Mariko Mori’s Beginning of the End’, Third Text, vol. 28, nos. 4/5 (July 2014) 393–405.
Caldwell, Ellen C..; Montgomery, Christine
In: Hampton, Gregory J., Parker, Kendra R., and Due, Tananarive, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E. Butler. New York: Bloomsbury Academic; 2020. p. 151-180.
Griffin, Dori
Design and Culture 10(3): 271-298. 2018.
Thiemeyer, Thomas
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 15, 2000. München: Heyne, 2000. p. 463-
Hill, Roger
Burroughs Bulletin No. 82: 27-33. Spring 2010.
Weyn, Suzanne
Starlog 44: 43-45, 53. March 1981.
Thoel, Philip
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2008. Munchen: Heyne, 2008. p. 1061-1068.
McConnell, David
Starlog 303: 76-79. October 2002.
No authors listed.
Starlog 259: 39-42. February 1999.
McCarthy, Shawna
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 5(3): 68-71. March 16, 1981.
Weinberg, Robert
in: Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds. Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle. Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 622-662.
Mecham, Neil
Mississauga, ONT: Girasol Collectables, 2013. 133 p.
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in: Froehlich, Annette, ed. Outer Space and Popular Culture: Influences and Interrelations, Part 2. Cham: Springer, 2022. p 19-52.
Barr, George
Locus No. 83:4a-b. May 13, 1971.
Bok, Hannes
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Jackson, M. D.
Dark Worlds Quarterly p. 74-88. Spring 2018.
Mabb, David
in: Boos, Florence S., ed. The Routledge Companion to William Morris, New York: Routledge, 2021. p. 227-258.
Velten, Hans R.
in: Velten, Hans R. and Imorde, Joseph, eds. Fantasy Aesthetics: Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024. p. 175-204.
Lundquist, Lynne; Westfahl, Gary
in: Westfahl, Gary, Slusser, George, and Plummer, Kathleen C., eds. Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. pp. 105-124.
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