Grant, John
in: Westfahl, Gary, Slusser, George, and Plummer, Kathleen C., eds. Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002. pp. 95-104.
Haldeman, Joe
Science Fiction Age 2(6): 78-83. September 1994.
Tuthill, Christopher
in: Lee, Stuart D., ed. A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. p. 487-500.
Zimmerman, Howard
Starlog 76: 41-45. November 1983.
Hardy, David
in: Holdstock, Robert, ed. Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. London: Octopus, 1978. pp. 122-141.
Hubbard, L. Ron
in: Budrys, Algis, ed. Writers of the Future. Vol. III. Los Angeles: Bridge, 1987. pp.14-17.
Haber, Karen
Locus 49(2): 4-5, 77-78. August 2002.
Winter, Jerome
in: Latham, Rob, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. p. 196-211.
Hurst, Jason; Robertson, Andy
Interzone No. 100: 22-26. October 1995.
LaPointe, Tanya
San Rafael, CA: Insight Editions, 2021. 240 p.
Weedman, Jane B.
in: Clareson, Thomas D., ed. Voices For the Future, Vol. 3. Bowling Green: Popular Press, 1984. pp. 151-185.
Snyder, Lucy A.
Strange Horizons [7 p.] March 16, 2009. (
Burling, William J.
in: Bould, Mark and Mieville, China, eds. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2009. p. 47-65.
Butler, Andrew M.
in: Bould, Mark, Butler, Andrew M., and Vint, Sherryl, eds. 
The New Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New 
York: Routledge, 2024. p. 34-42.
No authors listed.
Locus 11(10):1,7-8. December 1978.
Rotsler, Williams
Locus 13(3):11,16. March 1980.
Rotsler, William
Alloway, Lawrence; Mavridorakis, Valérie
Genève: Mamco, 2011. 271 p.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 100-102 (New Series): 71-76. 2019/2020.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 100-102 (New Series): 120-124. 2019/2020.
Burroughs Bulletin No. 100-102 (New Series): 130-132. 2019/2020.
Sketchley, Martin
Matrix No. 162: 26. July/August 2003
Van Hise, James
San Diego, CA: Blue Dolphin, 1983. 144 p.
Everitt, David
Starlog 60: 48-52. July 1982.
Newell, Adam
Lanham: Applause, 2023. 320 p.
Found 1,192 items on 48 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.