Knopke, Ekkehard
Zeitschrift fur Fantastikforschung 4(2): 33-52. 2014. (No. 8)
Miller, Cynthia J.; Van Riper, A. Bowdoin
in: Brode, Douglas and Brode, Shea T., eds. It's the Disney Version: Popular Cinema and Literary Classics. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. p. 93-104.
Boss, Judith E.; Dubeck, Leroy W.; Moshier, Suzanne E.
in: Dubeck, Leroy W. et al. Science in Cinema. New York: Teacher's College Press, 1988. pp.151-135.
Scapperotti, Dan
Cinefantastique 28(11): 50-51, 61. May 1997.
Winogura, Dale
Cinefantastique 1(4):38-39. Fall 1971.
Gerstle, Ralph
Films in Review 6(1): 34-35. January 1955.
Frazier, Joel; Hathorne, Harry
Cinefantastique 14(3):32-53. May 1984.
Szebin, Frederick C.
Cinefantastique 28(9): 8-9, 62. March 1997.
Maertens, James W.
Science Fiction Studies 22(2): 209-225. July 1995.
No authors listed.
Dallas Morning News Sect. VII, p. 6. March 14, 1954.
Dallas Morning News Sec. II, p. 8. March 21, 1955.
Fantasy Times No. 218:3. March (1) 1955.
Science Fiction Times No. 366:4. July (2) 1961.
in: Brode, Douglas and Brode, Shea T., eds. Debating Disney: Pedagogical Perspectives on Commercial Cinema. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. p. 19-32.
Bond, Jeff
Cinefantastique 35(4): 65. August/September 2003
Telotte, J. P.
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies 40(2): 66-79. Fall 2010.
Brooks, Lawrence
Cinefantastique 35(3): 54-61. June/July 2003.
Spelling, Ian
Starlog 239: 27-31. June 1997.
Eldridge, David
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 26(3): 295-309. August 2006.
Cinefantastique 29(1): 61. July 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(3): 61. September 1997.
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