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No authors listed.
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in: Lobdell, Jared, ed. A Tolkien Compass. New York: Ballantine/Del Rey, 1980. pp. 126-155.
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in: Reynolds, Patricia and GoodKnight, Glen H., eds. Proceedings of the J. R. R. Tolkien Centenary Conference, Keble College, Oxford, 1992. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 1995. pp.345-356. (Mythlore Vol. 21, No. 2, Winter 1996, Whole No. 80)
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Frede, Aaron
In: Hilder, Monika B., Pearson, Sara L., and Van Dyke, Laura N., eds. The Inklings and Culture: A Harvest of Scholarship from the Inklings Institute of Canada. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. p. 235-245.
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