Duriez, Colin
in: Kerry, Paul E. and Miesel, Sandra, eds. Light Beyond All Shadow: Religious Experience in Tolkien's Work. Lanham, MD: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011. p. 153-170.
Croft, Edward
Mythlore 13(4):18. 21. Summer 1987. (No. 50)
Thompson, Joseph
Mythlore 40(2): 39-53. Summer 2022.
Huttar, Charles A.
in: Kranz, Gisbert, ed. Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik. Lüdenscheid, Germany: Stier, 1987. 5. Band, p. 223-236.
Carey, Robert C.
Crypt of Cthulhu 2(5): 35-36. 1983. (No. 13)
Frederick, Candice; McBride, Sam
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2001. 224 p.
Schneider, Angelika
in: Kranz, Gisbert, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literature und Ästhetik. 3. Band. [Lüdenscheid, Germany: Stier], 1985. pp.49-70.
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