Dykstra, Emmanuel D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Iowa, 1957. 565 p. in 2 volumes.
Parijs, Sarah Leilani
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2023. 234 p. (DAI-A 84(11)(E).)
Christopher, Joe R.
Mythlore 3(3): 10-19. 1976.
Cooper, Levi
in; Bell, Christopher, ed. Wizards vs. Muggles: Essays on Identity and the Harry Potter Universe. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 168-193.
Sison, Antonio D.
Journal of Religion & Film 9(1): [7 p.] AprIL 2005.
Sheppard-Goodlett, Lisa Rae
Ph. D. Dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, 2019. 284 p. (DAI-A 81(2)(E).)
Robinson, Elizabeth K.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, 1995. 274 p. (DAI-A 56(9), p. 3597, March 1996.)
Lake, David J.
Extrapolation 25(2): 157-170. Summer 1984.
Rogers, Anna Catherine
Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis, Texas A&M University, 2019. 43 p. https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/175453/ROGERS-FINALTHESIS-2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Jaen, Didier T.
in: Collins, Robert A. and Pearce, Howard D., eds. Scope of the Fantastic: Theory, Technique, Major Authors. Westport: Greenwood, 1985. pp. 105-111.
Kripal, Jeffrey J.
Chronicle of Higher Education 58(17): B13-15. December 16 2011.
Platzer, R. L.
Studia Mystica (California State University) 1(3):44-51. 1978.
Buran, Sumeyra
SFRA Review 51(4): 232-239. Fall 2021.
Beaver, Libby
Bachelor's (Senior Honors) Thesis, Appalachian State University, 1988. 30 p.
O'Dea, Rory
Ph. D. Dissertation, New York University, 2013. 307 p. (DAI-A 75(3)(E).)
DiCaglio, Joshua
Science Fiction Studies 48(2): 279-305. July 2021.
Chard, J. M.
Mythlore 5(2): 15-18. Autumn 1978.
Moir, Patricia
Cinefantastique 28(8): 22-23. February 1997.
Enroth, Clyde A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1956. 322 p. (DAI 16(1):1905, OctOBER 1956)
Butler, Brett H.
Supernatural Studies 5(2): 120-144. Winter 2019.
Colahan, Emilie N.
Ph. D. Dissertation, City University of New York, 1980. 248 p. (DAI-A 41(1).)
Buckley, Mary F.
Ed. D. Dissertation, East Texas State University, 1977. 143 p. (DAI-A 38(11): 6686. May 1978.)
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