Aronne-Amestoy, Lida
Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986. 179 p.
Aronne de Amestoy, Lida Beatriz
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1982. xi, 391 p. (DAI-A 43(8).)
Doan, James E.
in: Brodman, Barbara and Doan, James E., eds. The Universal Vampire: Origins of a Legend. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2013. p. 137-148.
Donelan, Carol
Quarterly Review of Film and Video 32(3): 240-250. 2015.
Bergern, Lyndalee A.
Master's Thesis, University of Northern Colorado, 1989. 59pp.
Hauser, Linus
In: Hauser, Linus, ed. Weltuntergang, Weltubergang: Science-fiction zwischen Religion und Neomythos. Altenberge : Telos-Verlag, 1989. p. 7-10.
Smith, Cynthia A. M.
Master's Thesis, Georgia State University, 2006. 72 p.
Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2009. 90 p.
Moore, Russell D.
Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity 31(2): 32-36. March/April 2018.
Smith, Clay K.
in: Becker, Audrey L. and Noone, Kristin, eds. Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 182-194.
Sullivan, Charles W., III
New York: Greenwood, 1989. 181pp.
Trautmann, Patricia Ann
Ph.D. Dissertation, Peabody College for Teachers at Vanderbilt University, 1984. 172pp. (DAI-A 45(12).)
Becker, Audrey L.; Noone, Kristin
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. 224 p.
Fish, Andy
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. 119 p.
Hills, Matthew
in: Burdge, Anthony, Burke, Jessica, and Larsen, Kristine, eds. The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman. Crawfordsville, FL: Kitsune Books, 2012. p. 64-80.
Berk, Ari
Realms of Fantasy 9(5): 8-12. June 2003.
Morgan, Cheryl
Phantastes: The Online Journal of Fantasy Criticism. 2(2): [4pp] . Spring 2000. (
Mendelsohn, Daniel
The New York Review of Books. May 12, 2011. [12 p.] Online resource:
Renard, J. B.
Diogenes No. 127: 63-81. Fall 1984.
Izzo, Massimiliano
In: Eilmann, Julian T. M., Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, and Honegger, Thomas, eds. Literary Worldbuilding: interdisziplinäres Seminar der DTG, 27. bis 29. Oktober 2017, Augsburg. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2017. p. 58-69. (Hither Shore Band 14)
Elkins, Charles
Mosaic 13(3/4): 145-152. Spring/Summer 1980.
Shinn, Thelma J.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. 214pp.
Jackson, Aaron I.
Lion and the Unicorn 33(1): 44-59. January 2009.
Collins, Christopher
in: Kern, Gary, ed. Zamyatin's We: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1988. pp.70-79.
In: Hauser, Linus, ed. Weltuntergang, Weltubergang: Science-fiction zwischen Religion und Neomythos. Altenberge : Telos-Verlag, 1989. p. 11-23.
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