Drewniok, Malgorzara
in: George, Sam and Hughes, Bill, eds. Open Graves, Open Minds: representations of vampires and the undead from the Enlightenment to the present day. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2013. p. 131-145.
Hall, Audrey
Master's Thesis, University of Alabama, 2023. 48 p. (MAI 84(12)(E).)
Moylan, Tom
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 287 p.
Corley, Shaun M.
Master's Thesis, Radford University, 2004. 61 p.
Patra, Indrajit
Critique 64(4): 2023. 581-598.
Merkelbach, Rebecca
in: Conrad-O'Briain, Helen and Hynes, Gerard, eds. Tolkien: the Forest and the City. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. p. 57-66.
Bradford, Owen R.
Master's Thesis, Chapman University, 2023. 42 p. (MAI 84(11)(E).)
White, Eric
Science Fiction Studies 20(3): 394-408. November 1993.
Lukas, Scott A.; Marmysz, John
Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2009. 301 p.
Fox, Katherine Virginia
Master's Thesis, Emporia State University, 2021. 71 p. (MAI 82(12)(E).)
Perschon, Mike
Master's Thesis, University of Alberta, 2008. vii, 152 p. (MAI 47(4). August 2009.)
Jurgens, Anna-Sophie; Santos, Dan
Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics 15(2): 2024. 283-297.
Burwell, Jennifer
Ph. D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1993. 231 p. (DAI-A 54(5).)
Crabtree, Sara
Welduy, Lance, ed. From Colonialism to the Contemporary: Intertextual Transformations in World Children's and Youth Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. p. 61-75.
In: Weldy, Lance, ed. Crossing Textual Boundaries in International Children's Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. p. 78-93.
Cokal, Susann
in: Fahy, Thomas, ed. The Philosophy of Horror. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2010. p. 179-198.
McKee, Gabriel
In: Brown, Shaun C. and Hackney, Amanda M., eds. Theology and Star Trek. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 87-98.
Corona, Laurel Ann Weeks
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 1982. 246pp. (DAI-A 44(1):161. July 1982.)
Ratigan, Lucas Gordon
Master's Thesis, Georgetown University, 2023. 84 p. (MAI 84(11)(E).)
Freedland, Julian
Slayage: The International Journal Buffy Studies 29(1; [No. 55]): [31 p;]. Winter/Spring 2022. https://www.whedonstudies.tv/uploads/2/6/2/8/26288593/freedland___young_pdf.pdf
Samuelson, Laurel
Master's Thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2022. 67 p. (MAI 83(12)(E).)
Baker, Barbara Louise
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1990. x, 389p. (DAI-A 51(7): 2197. January 1991.)
Petersen, Line N.
Transformative Works and Cultures 4: [17 p]. 2010. (http://journal.transformativeworks.org/)
Beehler, Paul
in: Schmeink, Lars and Boger, Astrid, eds. Collision of Realities: Establishing Research on the Fantastic in Europe. Boston: De Gruyter, 2012. p. 139-152.
Lau, Pak-hong
Master's Thesis, Hong Kong University, 1998. [3], 92 p.
Selle, Amalia L.
in: Whited, Lana A., ed. Critical Insights: The Hunger Games Trilogy. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. p. 239-253.
Shuttleworth, Ian
in: Kaveney, Roz, ed. Reading the Vampire Slayer: The New, Updated, Unofficial Guide to Buffy and Angel. London ; New York : Tauris Parke, 2004. Rev. and expanded 2nd ed. p. 233-276.
Hallam, Andrew
Mythlore 30 (1/2; [#115/116]): 23-42. Fall/Winter 2011.
Scholz, Victoria Lynne
Ph. D. Dissertation, Texas A & M University, 2018. 149 p. (DAI-A 79(10)(E).)
McGeough, Danielle D.
in: Click, Melissa A., et al, eds. Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. p. 87-102.
Peppers, Cathy
Master's Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 1988. vii, 70pp.
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