Batteau, D. W.
Harvard Alumni Bulletin 60(5):209-211,223. November 30, 1957.
Simons, Michael; Wolf, Milton T.
in: Wolf, Milton T. and Martin, Murray S., eds. Genre and Ethnic Collections: Collected Essays. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1996. p. 123-152.
Hoffman, F. W.
in: Hoffman, F. W. Popular Culture and Libraries. s.l.: Library Professional Publications, 1984. pp. 55-66.
Keppel, Bruce
Los Angeles Times Sec. II, pp. 1, 12. December 8, 1979.
No authors listed.
Harvard Library Bulletin 9(3):422-423. Autumn 1955.
Hall, Hal W.
New York: Haworth Press, 1982. 181 p. (Also issued as Special Collections, Volume 1, No. 1/2, Fall/Winter 1982.)
Griset, Rich
Style Weekly [7 p.] May 31, 2011. ( Accessed 1 June 2011.
Nimon, Maureen
Children's Libraries Newsletter 12(3):88-91. August 1976.
Barron, Neil
in: Barron, Neil, ed. Anatomy of Wonder. 2nd ed. New York: Bowker, 1981. pp. 509-522.
Locus 70(3): 11. March 2013.
Locus 17(10):52. October 1984.
Science Fiction Chronicle 19(3/4): 8. February 1998.
Science Fiction Chronicle 15(2): 6. November/December 1993.
Locus 54(5): 11. May 2005.
Romanko, Karen A.
Library Journal 115(20):42-47. November 15, 1990.
Latham, Robert A.
Science Fiction Studies 37(2): 161-190. July 2010.
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
Johnson, Jill
KDLT News Online June 18, 2015. Accessed June 18, 2015; Accessed May 21, 2023.
Atallah, Marc; Jaccaud, Frederic; Valéry, Francis
Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2013. 223 p.
Smith, L. S.
Riverside: University of California, Riverside Library, 1979. 45 p.
Locus 22(6):6, 67. June 1989.
Aylward, David
Special Collections 2(1/2): 63-67. Fall/Winter 1982.
Betel, Lisa
Master's Thesis, University of Toronto, 2008. 108 p.
Hammond, Wayne G.
in: Hammond, Wayne G./Scull, Christina, eds. The Lord of the Rings, 1954-2004: Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 2006. p. 331-340.
Locus 64(5): 41. May 2010.
Sawyer, Andy
Matrix No. 128: 20. November/December 1997.
Locus 19(8):7. August 1986.
File 770 No. 160: 9. November 2011.
Locus 67(2): 11. August 2011.
Klossner, Michael
SFRA Review No. 211: 69-74. May/June 1994.
Locus 22(6):6. June 1989.
Wilson, Richard
Worlds of Tomorrow 4:99-104. May 1967.
Lerner, Fred
Special Collections 2(1/2): 59-62. Fall/Winter 1982.
Taliaferro, Donates
The Gridley Wave No. 247: 1. April 2003.
The Eagle (Bryan, TX) p. 3. November 3, 1974.
Christopher, Joe R.
Notes From the Chemistry Department 12:6-7. July 1975.
Proctor, George
Dallas Morning News Sect. G, p. 1, 3. June 13, 1976.
Lee, Regina Yung
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
in: Lerner, Fred. A Bookman's Fantasy: How Science Fiction Became Respectable, and Other Essays. Framingham, Mass.: NESFA Press, 1995. pp.49-63.
Ree, Julia D.
In: Westfahl, Gary, Benford, Gregory. Hendrix, Howard V., and Alexander, Jonathan, eds. Economics and Science Fiction: Essays on Economics in and of the Genre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 67-80.
Rinkel, Gene
The Wellsian No. 25: 11-24. 2002.
Conway, Melissa; Latham, Robert A.
eI 7(5): 13-17. October 2008. (No. 40)
Keidl, Philipp D.
Journal of Popular Culture 54(2): 407-431. April 2021.
Gaillard, Roger
Foundation No. 53: 7-23. Autumn 1991.
Gold, Mici
Sol Rising (Toronto) No. 10: 1-2. May 1994.
Carpenter, Aaron A.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 16(3): 266-267. Fall 2005.
Beckett, Chris
Electronic British Library Journal, 2011. Accessed 30 August 2021.
Schlobin, Roger C.
in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013. p. 275-276.
McNelly, Willis E.
in: Vogeler, Albert R. and Arthur A. Hansen, eds. Very Special Collections: Essays on Library Holdings at California State University, Fullerton. Fullerton, CA: Patron of the Library, 1992. pp.17-26.
in: Lerner, Fred. A Bookman's Fantasy: How Science Fiction Became Respectable, and Other Essays. Framingham, Mass.: NESFA Press, 1995. pp.45-48. Also in: Special Libraries 64(1): 3-6. January 1973.
Covington, Veronica
Popular Culture in Libraries 2(1): 81-87. 1994.
Vint, Sherryl
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 16(3): 268-269. Fall 2005.
Dowlin, C. Edwin
Popular Culture in Libraries 1(2): 79-85. 1993.
Smith, Steven E.
in: Samuelson, Todd, and Coker, Catherine, eds. Deeper Than Swords: Celebrating the Work of George R. R. Martin. College Station, TX: Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, 2013. p. 6-11.
Mythlore 7(2):5. Summer 1980.
Wermund, Benjamin
Houston Chronicle Sec. A, p. 1, 21. April 13, 2014.
Nelson, Tim
Mumblings From Munchkinland No. 16: 8-11. October 2000.
Tong, Tracey
Toronto Star, November 7, 2021. Online at:
Web Resource: Accessed 11.October.2017
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(8): 6. June 1991.
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(6): 4-5. April 1991.
Buller, N. G.
Ontario Library Review 57: 167-170. September 1973.
Frelik, Pawel
Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction 2(1): 3-18. November 2014. (
Schmidt, Laura
Mythlore 36(1): 5-20. Fall/Winter 2017.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Triblive website. April 15, 2018. Accessed 16.April.2018.
Eubanks, Michelle Rupe
Times Daily (Florence, AL) [2 p.] October 23, 2009. (Cited from the online edition:
Science Fiction Times No. 440:1. March 1967.
Howard, Jennifer
Chronicle of Higher Education 57(28): A28-A29. March 18, 2011.
Wesson, Gail
Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) April 6, 2014. (
Buck, Fielding
Press Enterprise (Riverside, CA) [4 p.] May 6, 2009. (Cited from the online edition)
Locus 49(6): 13. December 2002.
Muckenfuss, Mark
The Press Enterprise (Santa Ana, CA)
Finney, Daniel P.
Des Moines Register January 4, 2015. ( ) Accessed 7.January.2015.
Salamon, Jeff
Austin American Statesman Sec. K, p. 1, 10. February 6, 2005.
Marxen, Jim
Fullerton Tribune p. A-13. October 18, 1979.
SFRA Review No. 258: 2-4. May/June 2002.
File 770 No. 145: 3-4. October 2005.
Science Fiction Chronicle 4(7):19. April 1983.
Science Fiction Chronicle 19(9/10): 4. July/August 1998.
SFRA Newsletter 114: 20. September 1983.
SFRA Newsletter 111: 9-10. May 1983.
Searsmith, Kelly
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 17(4): 414-416. Winter 2007.
Pauli, Michelle
Guardian [1 p.] June 9, 2010. (
Sickler, Shannon C.
St. Petersburg Times [8 p.] June 25, 2006. (Cited from the Online edition.)
Texas Libraries 50(2): 51-52. Summer 1989.
Galehouse, Maggie
Houston Chronicle Sec. A, p. 1, 9. November 25, 2014.
Locus 54(3): 11. March 2005.
Science Fiction Chronicle 2(10):12. July 1981.
Miller, Sister Ignatius
The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 7(12): 5-7. 1976.
Alexander, Phoenix
Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 2019. 218 p. (DAI-A 81(4)(E).)
Kilby, Clyde S.
In: Kilby, Clyde S., ed. by Call, Keity and Wilkinson, Loren. Well of Wonder: Essays on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien & the Inklings. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2016. p. 292-306.
Hatfield, Len
RQ. 35(4): 461-464. Summer 1996.
Cawley, Rusty
Bryan Eagle p. 1D. July 30, 1981.
Belway, Liane; Nikkel, Terry
Collection Management 34(3): 194-208. July/September 2009.
Owen, Christopher
Foundation No. 131: 76-78. 2018.
Miller, Craig
File 770, No. 142: 6. June 2003.
Milenkiewicz, Eric
Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction 1(2): 117. November 2013. (
Locus 80(2): 7. February 2018.
Davis, Sheryl
Science Fiction Studies 33(2): 382-383. July 2006.
Found 405 items on 5 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.