Kilby, Clyde S.
In: Kilby, Clyde S., ed. by Call, Keity and Wilkinson, Loren. Well of Wonder: Essays on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien & the Inklings. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2016. p. 292-306.
Dowlin, C. Edwin
Popular Culture in Libraries 1(2): 79-85. 1993.
Smith, Steven E.
in: Samuelson, Todd, and Coker, Catherine, eds. Deeper Than Swords: Celebrating the Work of George R. R. Martin. College Station, TX: Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, 2013. p. 6-11.
Christopher, Joe R.
Mythlore 7(2):5. Summer 1980.
Wermund, Benjamin
Houston Chronicle Sec. A, p. 1, 21. April 13, 2014.
Nelson, Tim
Mumblings From Munchkinland No. 16: 8-11. October 2000.
Tong, Tracey
Toronto Star, November 7, 2021. Online at:
No authors listed.
Web Resource: Accessed 11.October.2017
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(8): 6. June 1991.
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(6): 4-5. April 1991.
Buller, N. G.
Ontario Library Review 57:167-170. September 1973.
Frelik, Pawel
Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction 2(1): 3-18. November 2014. (
Schmidt, Laura
Mythlore 36(1): 5-20. Fall/Winter 2017.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Triblive website. April 15, 2018. Accessed 16.April.2018.
Eubanks, Michelle Rupe
Times Daily (Florence, AL) [2 p.] October 23, 2009. (Cited from the online edition:
Science Fiction Times No. 440:1. March 1967.
Howard, Jennifer
Chronicle of Higher Education 57(28): A28-A29. March 18, 2011.
Wesson, Gail
Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) April 6, 2014. (
Buck, Fielding
Press Enterprise (Riverside, CA) [4 p.] May 6, 2009. (Cited from the online edition)
Locus 49(6): 13. December 2002.
Muckenfuss, Mark
The Press Enterprise (Santa Ana, CA)
Finney, Daniel P.
Des Moines Register January 4, 2015. ( ) Accessed 7.January.2015.
Salamon, Jeff
Austin American Statesman Sec. K, p. 1, 10. February 6, 2005.
Marxen, Jim
Fullerton Tribune p. A-13. October 18, 1979.
SFRA Review No. 258: 2-4. May/June 2002.
Found 403 items on 17 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.