No authors listed.
File 770 No. 161: 5. November 2012.
Panshin, Alexei
Library Journal 95(12):2223-2229. June 15, 1970. also in: Colloquy, Education in Church & Society 4(5):13-25. May 1971.
McQuinn, Jamie
Lan's Lantern 23:17-18. June 1987.
Clark, Rob
Eagle (Bryan/College Station, TX) p. A1, A3. April 11, 2019.
Constantine, Laura; Hedges, Blair; Neuhouser, David L.; Palmisano, Abby; Ricke, Joe
North Wind: Journal of George MacDonald Studies No. 35: 35-67. 2016.
Lord, Glenn
The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies, No. 7: 26-29. 2003.
Daley, Jack
Burroughs Bulletin No. 69: 29-30. Fall 2006.
Bready, James H.
Baltimore Sun [Maryland], April 10, 1955: A10.
SFRA Newsletter 179:29. July/August 1990.
Locus 71(6): 11. December 2013.
Barron, Neil
SFRA Newsletter 114: 16-17. September 1983.
Locus 14(8): 19. September 1981.
San Diego, California: San Diego State University Library, 2020. x.
Baskett, Pilar; Brett, Jeremy; Reibenspies-Stadler, Jennifer
Practical Academic Librarianship 7(1): 13-28. 2017.
Hall, Hal W.
Special Collections 2(1/2): 177-181. Fall/Winter 1982.
Salamon, Jeff
Austin American Statesman. XLent Magazine. pp. 21-23. November 16, 2000.
Krapp, JoAnn V.
School Media Activities Monthly 22(1): 47-49. September 2005.
Hannay, Margaret
Mythlore 2(4):20. Winter 1972.
Passehl-Stoddart, Erin; Velte, Ashlyn
College and Research Libraries News 80(8): 452-455, 472. September 2019.
Stewart, Bhob
Vegas Fandom Weekly 2(4; [#58]): 14-15. December 22, 2005. (Complete issue: [1.3 Mb])
Locus 20(9):5. September 1987.
Lerner, Fred
Special Collections 2(1/2): 151-170. Fall/Winter 1982.
Seike, Michel
In: Fisher, Jason and Croft, Janet B. eds. Loremasters and Libraries in Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Gedenkschriftfor David D. Oberhelman. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2022. p. 5-19
Watkins, A. H.
Bromley: London Borough of Bromley Public Libraries, 1974. xi, 196 p.
Online Resource: 2021. Accessed 11 January 2022
Found 405 items on 17 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.