Boswell, Suzanne F.
American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 93(3) 417-444. September, 2021.
Vasseleu, Cathryn
in: Armitage, John and Roberts, Joanne, eds. Living With Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century. New York: Continuum, 2002. p. 83-91.
Thompson, Edward H.
British and American Studies No. 1: 159-167. 1996
Bukatman, Scott R.
Critique 33(3): 199-219. Spring 1992.
Currier, Dianne
in: Flanagan, Mary, and Booth, Austin, eds. Reload: Rethinking Women + Cyberculture. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. p. 519-538.
Markley, Robert
in: Markley, Robert, ed. Virtual Realities and Their Discontents. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. p. 55-78.
O'Riordan, Kate
in: Gillis, Staey, ed. The Matrix Trilogy: Cyberpunk Reloaded. New York: Wallflower Press, 2005. p. 138-150.
Clayton, Jay
New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 270 p.
Armitage, John; Roberts, Joanne
in: Armitage, John and Roberts, Joanne, eds. Living With Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century. New York: Continuum, 2002. p. 43-54.
Mcbeath, Graham B.; Webb, Stephen A.
In: Westwood, Sallie; Williams, John, eds. Imagining Cities: Scripts, Signs, Memory. New York: Routledge, 1997. p. 249-260.
Wark, McKenzie
in: Armitage, John and Roberts, Joanne, eds. Living With Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century. New York: Continuum, 2002. p. 72-82.
Burrows, Roger; Featherstone, Mike
in: Featherstone, Mike and Burrows, Roger, eds. Cyberspace / Cyberbodies / Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment. London: Sage Publications, 1995. pp. 1-20. (Also in: Body & Society, Vol. 1, No. 3/4.)
Braidotti, Rosi 15pp. (ca. 25.April.2000)
In: Peters, Michael; Olssen, Mark; and Lankshear, Colin, eds. Futures of Critical Theory: Dreams of Difference. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1996. p. 239-259. Also online at: 15pp. (ca. 25.April.2000)
Webster, Frank
in: Armitage, John and Roberts, Joanne, eds. Living With Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century. New York: Continuum, 2002. p. 34-42.
Butler, Andrew
Harpenden, UK: Pocket Essentials, 2000. 96pp.
Saebel, Markus
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Aesthetik. Band 18. Moers: Brendow, 2000. p. 250-271.
London: Sage Publications, 1995.
Pease, Aron
in: Murray, Mitch R.; Nilges, Mathias; Older, Malka; Yu, Charles William Gibson and the Futures of Contemporary Culture. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press; 2021. p. 179-194.
Clark, Ann-Renee
in: Alves, Artur Matos, ed. Unveiling the Posthuman. Oxford, UK: Interdisciplinary Press, 2012. p. 41-50.
Kendrick, Michelle
in: Markley, Robert, ed. Virtual Realities and Their Discontents. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. p. 143-160.
Robins, Kevin
in: Featherstone, Mike and Burrows, Roger, eds. Cyberspace / Cyberbodies / Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment. London: Sage Publications, 1995. pp. 135-156. (Also in: Body & Society, Vol. 1, No. 3/4.)
Derian, James D.
in: Armitage, John and Roberts, Joanne, eds. Living With Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century. New York: Continuum, 2002. p. 61-71.
Magerstadt, Sylvie
In: Magerstadt, Sylvie. Body, Soul and Cyberspace in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema: Virtual Worlds and Ethical Problems. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 57-83.
Lepawsky, Joshua J.
Master's Thesis, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada), 1999. x, 179 p. (MAI 38(2): 352. April 2000.)
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