Shannon, Jody D.
Cinefex No. 33:24-51. February 1988.
Gross, Edward
Cinefantastique 34(6): 40. October/November 2002.
Cinefantastique 34(6): 44-45. October/November 2002.
Doense, Jan
Cinefantastique 22(6): 10. June 1992
Kutzera, Dale
Cinefantastique 29(12): 40-43. April 1998.
Shay, Don
Cinefex No. 27:4-67. August 1986.
Martin, Kevin H.
Cinefex No. 80: 66-81. January 2000.
Mandell, Paul
Cinefex 4: 32-71. April 1981.
Plantinga, Carl
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020. 168 p.
Schweiger, Daniel
Cinefantastique 23(1): 23. August 1992.
Vaz, Mark C.
Cinefex No. 73: 37-44, 121-122. December 1997.
Jones, Alan
Cinefantastique 29(6/7): 22-23. November 1997.
Magid, Ron
American Cinematographer 78(2): 60-70. February 1997.
Parisi, Paula
Cinefex No. 70: 61-68, 161-162. June 1997.
Houston, David
Starlog 32: 26-33, 63. March 1980.
Telotte, J. P.
Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2010. 296 p.
Guthery, Tom, IV.
in: Hopkins, Harry A., ed. Fandom Directory 1981. Langley AFB, Virginia: Fandom Computer Services, 1981. pp. 13-28.
Cinefex No. 56: 30-53. November 1993.
Cinefex No. 76: 27-36, 145-147. January 1999.
Fisher, Bob
American Cinematographer 76(6): 37-46. June 1995.
Olpe, Peter
Cinema 27(4): 28-49. December 1981.
Cinefex No. 67: 35-36, 122, 150. September 1996.
Dalton, Tony
New York : Billboard Books, 2005. 230 p.
Bukatman, Scott R.
in: Kuhn, Annette, ed. Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1999. pp. 249-275.
Duncan, Jody
Cinefex 169: 14-31. February 2020.
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