Johnson, Dere
Feminist Media Studies 14 (6): 895-911. December 2014.
Walker, Jessica
in: Prescott, Tara and Drucker, Aaron, eds. Feminism in the Worlds of Neil Gaiman: Essays on the Comics, Poetry, and Prose. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. p. 246-260.
Pezzelle, Amy
Ph. D. Disserttion, University of Tulsa, 2020. 260 p. (DAI-A 81(11)(E).)
Glitsos, Laura; Taylor, Jessica
Feminist Media Studies 23(2): 656-670. 2023.
Schultz, Lauren
in: Wilcox, Rhonda V., et al, eds. Reading Joss Whedon. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2014. p. 356-370.
Nicol, Rhonda
in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 155-168.
Schubart, Rikke
Nordlit No. 42: 191-206. 2019.
Wilson, Graeme J.
In: Croft, Janet B. and Buckman, Alyson R., eds. Sisterhood, Science and Surveillance in Orphan Black. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 5-21.
King, Claire S.
Popular Culture Studies Journal 6(2/3): 166-189. 2018.
Wigard, Justin
In: Rayborn, Tim and Keyes, Abigail. Eds.: Jessica Jones, Scarred Superhero: Essays on Gender, Trauma and Addiction in the Netflix Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 221-234.
Lewis, Abby
Master's Thesis, East Tennessee State University, 2021. 66 p. (MAI 82(12)(E).)
Slyter, Riana Sharice
Master's Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2021. 105 p. (MAI 83(3)(E).)
Cochran, Tanya Renee
Research Paper [?Master's Thesis?], University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2000. 41 p.
Edney, Jess
In: Kreve, Mojca, ed. Becoming World: Probing Hybridity in Postmodern American Fiction. Ljubljaja: University of Ljubljaja, Faculty of Arts, 2017. p. 221-242.
Francisco, Megan H.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 2020. 246 p. (DAI-A 82(8)(E).)
Lorenz, Matt
European Romantic Review 32(3): 355-376. June 2021.
Wilhoit, Sarah J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 2021. 229 p. (DAI-A 82(12)(E).)
Vado, Karina Auxiliadora
Master's Thesis, University of Florida, 2014. 75p.
Bell, Erin
In: Croft, Janet B. and Buckman, Alyson R., eds. Sisterhood, Science and Surveillance in Orphan Black. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 41-57.
Wise, Dennis Wilson
Extrapolation 60(2): 133-156.. Summer 2019.
Askarisirchi, Maral
Master's Thesis, Clark University, 2020. 97 p. (MAI 81(11)(E).)
Evans, Ashley M.
Master's Thesis, Lehigh University, 2017. 57 p. (MAI 56(4)(E).)
in: Anatol, Giselle L., ed. Bringing Light to Twilight: Perspectives on the Pop Culture Phenomenon. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 113-124.
Prescott, Heather M.
In: Ritzenhoff, Karen A. and Goldie, Janis L., eds. The Handmaid's Tale: Teaching Dystopia, Feminism, and Resistance Across Disciplines and Borders. Lanham: Lexington, 2019. p. 55-64.
Farrimond, Katherine
Horror Studies 11(2): 149-168. October 2020.
Corcoran, Miranda
In: Hand, Richard J. and O’Thomas, Mark, eds. American Horror Story and Cult Television: Narratives, Histories and Discourses. New York: Anthem Press, 2024. p. 189-205.
Lalonde, Beth March 28, 2014 [3 p.]. Web resource:
Vrinceanu, Alexandra-Maria
Linguaculture 12(2): 145-161. 2021. DOI: 10.47743/lincu-2021-2-0210
Helford, Elyce R.
Foundation No. 74: 67-79. Autumn 1998.
Rauscher, Judith
In: Mittermeier, Sabrina and Spychala, Mareik, eds. Fighting for the Future: Essays on Star Trek: Discovery. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2020. p. 243-264.
Falkenhayner, Nicole
Open Library of Humanities, 6(2), p.21. 2020. DOI:
Hollinger, Veronica
Science Fiction Studies. 26(1): 23-40. March 1999. Also in: Barr, Marleen S., ed. Future Females, The Next Generation. Lanham: Rowman, 2000 and in: Flanagan, Mary. Reload: Rethinking Women and Cyberculture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002. p, 301-320. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 4, p. 181-199.
Bell, Rowan
In: Ginn, Sherry and Cornelius, Michael G., eds. To Boldly Stay: Essays on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 135-150.
Herrig, Thomas A.
Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2011. 206 p.
Kiper Malacarne, Ivan
Protestantismo em Revista 46(2): 37-49. July-December 2020.
Xausa, Chiara
Altre Modernità 31: 55-71. 2024.
Lourenço da Silva, Laureny Aparecida
In: Prado, Amanda and Cavalcanti, Ildney, eds. Utopias sonhadas/distopias anunciadas: feminismo, genero e cultura queer na literature. Joao Pessoa, Brazil: Editora UFPB, 2019. p. 159-174.
Stableford, Brian
in: Stableford, Brian. Slaves of the Death Spiders and Other Essays on Fantastic Literature. s.l.: Borgo Press/Wildside Press, 2007. p. 27-42.
Costello, Matthew; Tegan, Mary Beth
Gothic Studies 25(3): November 2023. 261-279.
Harris, Donna L.
Master's Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1997. 98pp. (MAI 36(02M).) (7.157Mb)
Sohar, Aniko
Neohelicon 49: 513–532. 2022.
Bisschoff, Lizelle
Interventions: The International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 22(5): 606-623. July 2020.
Death, Carl
Antipode. 54(1): 240-258. January 2022. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12764
Moonsamy, Nedine
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 241-247.
Jones, Stephanie Veronica-Marie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Syracuse University, 2022. 240 p. (DAI-A84(3)(E).)
Levine, Elana
in: Click, Melissa A., et al, eds. Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. p. 281-286.
Kennedy, Kara
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Canterbury, 2018. 233 p.
Melzer, Patricia
Ph. D. Dissertation, Clark University, 2001. 460 p. DAI-A 62(10): 3596. April 2002)
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2006. 312 p.
Wolmark, Jenny
London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. 167pp.; Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1994. 167pp.
Found 703 items on 15 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.