Barclay, Bridgitte
Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship 3(1): 1-5. 2023.
Garlen, Jennifer C.; Graham, Anissa M.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2024. 265 p.
Wade, Jasmine
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2022. 237 p. (DAI-A 84(2)(E).) (Embargoed until June 9, 2028)
Streeby, Shelley
Feminist Studies 46(2): 510-533. 2020.
Flint, Maureen A.; Guyotte, Kelly W.; Melchior, Shelly; Shelton, Stephanie A.
Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 22(2): 122-131. April 2022.
Haran, Joan
In: Holden, Rebecca J., ed. The WisCon Chronicles, Volume 8: Re-Generating WisCon. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2014. p. 80-87.
Helford, Elyce R.
Feminist Media Studies 6(2): 145-156. June 2006.
Holden, Rebecca J.; Shawl, Nisi
Seattle, WA: Aqueduct, 2013. 314 p.
Zolciak, Olivia
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 77(5): 1243-1276. November 2018.
Eisenhour, Susan J.
Master's Thesis, Eastern Illinois University, 1996. 87pp.
Holden, Rebecca J.
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 225-234.
Crystal, Jacob Allen
Master's Thesis, University of Central Oklahoma, 2019. 103 p. (MAI 58(6)(M)(E).)
Garcia McCausland, Elisa; Salgado, Diego
Madrid, Errata Naturae, (Fuera de coleccion), 2019. 456 p.
Moore, Chamara
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 2021. 162 p. (DAI-A 83(1)(E).)
Knights, Vanessa
Paragraph 22(1): 76-94. March 1999.
Johnson, A. Rose
In: Bacon, Simon, ed. Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 1197-1214.
Grant, Barry K.
Wide Angle 14(1): 64-77. January 1992.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.200-212.
LeBlanc, Sarah S,
Popular Culture Studies Journal 5(1/2): 5-23. 2017
Deman, J. Andrew
Femspec 6(2): 6-14. 2005.
Trites, Roberta S.
In: Connors, Sean; Hentges, Sara, eds. Teaching Girls on Fire: Essays on Dystopian Young Adult Literature in the Classroom. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 51-70.
Mukherjea, Ananya
in: Parke, Maggie and Wilson, Natalie, eds. Theorizing Twilight: Critical Essays on What's at Stake in a Post-Vampire World. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 70-83.
Buran, Sumeyra
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ataturk Universitesi (Turkey), 2014. 323 p. (DAI-A 76(1)(E), July 2015)
Buran, Sumeyra; Vint, Sherryl
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 353 p.
Spillios, Athanassia T. N.
Master's Thesis, Universite Laval (Canada), 1995. 101 p. (MAI 34(3): 930. June 1996.)
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