Wolfe, G. K.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 676-680.
Rapp, Rodger
Bloomsbury Review 6(3):23. February 1986.
Larbalestier, Justine
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 101: 13-17. January 1997.
Clute, John
Salon [6 pp.] November 15, 2000. (http:www.salon.com/books/feature/2000/11/15/sturgeon/index.html)
Howells, Phillip
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, 2024. v, 167 p. https://www.proquest.com/openview/4581b761202159bab9e36802e2e954f5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
Diehl, Laura A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers, 2008. 313 p. (DAI 70(3), September 2009.) https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers-lib/24533/
Fantasy Review 8(5): 8. May 1985.
Sturgill, Jeremiah
The Internet Review of Science Fiction 1(10): [7 p.] November 2004.
Moskowitz, Sam
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 23(3): 56-61. September 1962.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Times No. 385:1. May (1) 1962.
Gerrold, David
Starlog 97: 73. August, 1985.
Publishers Weekly 228(21):41. November 22, 1985.
Crosby, David
in: Williams, Paul, ed. Baby is Three, Vol VI: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1999. p. ix-xii.
Bradbury, Ray
in: Williams, Paul, ed. The Ultimate Egoist, Vol I: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1994. p. ix-xii.
Clarke, Arthur C.
in: Williams, Paul, ed. The Ultimate Egoist, Vol I: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1994. p. xii-xiv.
Wolfe, Gene
in: Williams, Paul, ed. The Ultimate Egoist, Vol I: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1994. p. xiv-xvi.
Gunn, James
in: Williams, Paul, ed. The Ultimate Egoist, Vol IV: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1994. p. ix-xv.
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
in: Williams, Paul, ed. A Saucer of Loneliness, Vol VII: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2000. p. ix.
Trimble, Bjo
Future Life 16: 26-28. February 1980.
Palmer, Terry
Master's Thesis, Georgia Southern University, 2000. 94 p.
Iwoleit, Michael K.
in: Iwoleit, Michael K. Reductio ad absurdum. Acht Essays zur Short Science Fiction aus den Jahren 1993-2012. Lüneburg: Reeken, 2015. p. 187-212.
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2007. Munchen: Heyne, 2007. p. 285-310.
Malzberg, Barry N.
in: Malzberg, Barry N. Engines of the Night. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982. pp. 159-161.
Sturgeon, Theodore
in: Resnick, Mike and Siclari, Joe, eds. Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches. Deerfield, IL: ISFIC Press, 2006. p. 89-101.
Delany, Samuel R.
in: Delany, Samuel R. Occasional Views Volume 1: "More About Writing" and Other Essays. Hanover: Wesleyan University Press, 2021. p. 84-98.
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