Maatta, Jerry
in: Bishop, Katherine E., Higgins, David, and Maatta, Jerry, eds. Plants in Science Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 2020. p. 32-55.
Hugonny, Julie
Modern Language Studies 49(2) 16-33. Winter 2020.
Parker, Elizabeth
in: Keetley, Dawn and Tenga, Angela, eds. Plant Horror: Approaches to the Monstrous Vegetal in Fiction and Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 215-227.
Safaeyan, Saghar
Science Fiction Film & Television 17( 2): 229-253. June 2024.
Shirley, Julia
In: Burkhard, Denise, Gymnich, Marion, and Petzold, Dieter, eds. Flora und Fauna in Fantastischen Welten: Symposium 2019 in Bonn = Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. (Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 37.Band) Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020. p. 81-96.
Cook, Elizabeth H.
in: Bishop, Katherine E., Higgins, David, and Maatta, Jerry, eds. Plants in Science Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 2020. p. 127-149.
Nitzke, Solvejg
In: Schmeink, Lars and Cornils, Ingo, eds. New Perspectives on Contemporary German Science Fiction. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 93-114.
Hind, Samantba
Clarkesworld Magazine No. 198: . March 2023.
Sergeant, Alexander
in: Hackett, Jon and Harrington, Sean, eds. Beasts of the Forests: Denizens of the Dark Woods. East Barnet, UK: John Libby, 2019. p. 93-106.
Roberts, Brittany
in: Bishop, Katherine E., Higgins, David, and Maatta, Jerry, eds. Plants in Science Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 2020. p. 81-104.
Stock, Adam
Science Fiction Studies 42(3): 433-457. November 2015.
Street, Danny
REH: Two-Gun Raconteur No. 11: 21-33. Summer 2007.
Sanchez Tellez, Ingrid
Brumal: Revista de Investigación Sobre lo Fantástico/Research Journal on the Fantastic 12(1): 239-261. 2024.
Bishop, Katherine E.
in: Bishop, Katherine E., Higgins, David, and Maatta, Jerry, eds. Plants in Science Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 2020. p. 214-232.
Russell, Beth
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 43: 20-22. July 2005.
Saguaro, Shelley
in: Bishop, Katherine E., Higgins, David, and Maatta, Jerry, eds. Plants in Science Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 2020. p. 56-79.
Supper, Judith
Quarber Merkur 109/110: 181-196. 2009.
Kortekallio, Kaisa
Extrapolation 64(3): 341-356. December 2023.
Sullivan, Heather I.
Science Fiction Studies 49(2; [#147]): 342-358. July 2022.
Yoon, Sarah
Critique 64(3): 390-402. 2023.
Lee, Jihyun
People: International Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 57-78 PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences. Special Issue. 3(1), 57-78. 2017.
Del Mastro, Andrew
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2023. 215 p. (DAI-A 85(1)(E).)
Barr, Marleen S.
In: Rabitsch, Stefan, Fuchs, Michael, and Brandt, Stefan L., eds. Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 258-271.
O'Byrne, Damian
in: Hackett, Jon and Harrington, Sean, eds. Beasts of the Forests: Denizens of the Dark Woods. East Barnet, UK: John Libby, 2019. p. 133-146.
Burkhard, Denise; Gymnich, Marion
In: Burkhard, Denise, Gymnich, Marion, and Petzold, Dieter, eds. Flora und Fauna in Fantastischen Welten: Symposium 2019 in Bonn = Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. (Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 37.Band) Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020. p. 7-34.
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