Kerklingh, Alissa
Master's Thesis, Utrect University, 2021. 68 p.
Carlson, Richard C.; Goldman, Bruce
Stanford, CA: Stanford Alumni Association, 1991. 252pp.
Zaidi, Leah
Master’s Thesis, Ontario College of Art and Design, 2017. 113 p.
Davison-Vecchione, Daniel; Seeger, Sean
Extrapolation 64(2): July 2023. 167-187.
Marti, Pierre-Antoine
Entreprises et histoire No. 96: 106-118. 2019.
Murphy, Robin R.
Science Robotics 9(87): . February 21, 2024. 
DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.ado1489
Miller, Ruth-Ellen
Ph. D. Dissertation, Portland State University, 1984. 3, x, 320 p.
Jin, Chin; Keren, Zhang; Lin, Jiawei; Yilun; Ziqin, Zhu
024 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, OR, USA, 2024, pp. 1-20, doi: 10.23919/PICMET64035.2024.10653333.
Bina, Olivia; Caffa, Annalisa; Mateus, Sandra; Pereira, Lavinia
Futures 86:166-184. February 2017.
Slowik, Noah
Master's Thesis, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College , 2023. 74 p. (MAI 84(10)(E).)
Benares, Camden
SFWA Bulletin 14(2): 60-62. Summer 1979. (No. 70)
Beckert, Jens
Theory and society, 42(3), 219-240. May 2013.
Klein, Gerard
Futuribles No. 413: 29-52. 2016.
Langlet, Irène
Entreprises et histoire No. 96: 14-28. 2019.
Elhefnawy, Nader
New York Review of Science Fiction 30(3); 14-15. May 2019. (No. 351)
Michaud, Thomas
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010. 210 p.
Carpenter, Charli
Perspectives on Politics 14(1): 53–69. March 2016
Lehoucq, Roland
Futuribles No. 416: 39-54. 2017.
Slocombe, Will
Vector No. 297: 14-26. Spring 2023.
Le Maréchal, Édouard, Brayer, Gaëlle; Saives, Anne-Laure
Entreprises et histoire NO. 96: 148-162. 2019.
Clardy, Alan
World Future Review 3(2), 37–48. May 2011.
Rumpala, Yannick
Futuribles No. 413: 53-72. Juillet/Aout 2016.
De Canio, Stephen J.
Centennial Review 75(1): 75-93. Winter 1994.
Clarke, Arthur C.
British Heritage, August/September 1999: 44-48.
Heilbroner, Robert
New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. 133pp.
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