Tidwell, Christy
in: Allan, Kathryn, ed. Disability in Science Fiction: Representations of Technology as Cure. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 155-168.
No authors listed.
Locus 52(5): 6. May 2004.
Blaschke, Jayme L.
Online resource: SF Site, November 1999, [8 p.] (http://www.sfsite.com) Also in: Blaschke, Jayme L. Voices of Vision. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2005. p. 85-96.
Mayne, Stuart
Aurealis: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction No. 38/39: 140-145. 2007.
Klein, Jay K.
Analog 108(6):55. June 1988.
Stankow-Mercer, Naomi
in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 2, p. 229-230.
Locus 22(5):5. May 1989.
Hailing Frequencies (Waldenbooks) No. 7: 16-17, 19. 1993.
in: Authors & Artists for Young Adults, Volume 73. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2007. p. 95-101.
Heaphy, Maura
In: Heaphy, Maura. 100 Most Popular Science-Fiction Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. Libraries Unlimited, 2010. p. 299-302.
Moon, Elizabeth
Online Resource: http://www.sff.net/people/Elizabeth.Moon/faq.htm [4 pp.]
Wright, John C.
Intercollegiate Review. May 7, 2014. [4 p.] Online resource: http://www.intercollegiatereview.com/index.php/2014/05/07/heinlein-hugos-and-hogwash/
Askew, Fred
Trajectories (Austin, TX) 5:11. Winter 1989.
Nathan, Paul
Publishers Weekly 244(33): 245. August 11, 1997.
Jones, Katy H.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine No. 22: 36-40. Winter 1994.
Locus 59(2): 12. August 2007.
Krug, Kurt A.
Alcalde (University of Texas Alumni Magazine) 97(5): 60-61. May/June 2009.
Sheriff, Espana
File 770 No. 159: 46-47. April 2011.
Lothian, Alexis
in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 50-53.
SFWA Bulletin 25(1; [#111]): 51-52. Spring 1991.
Science Fiction Chronicle 26(7): 6. July 2003. (No. 249)
Gomoll, Jeanne
in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 54.
Mystery Scene No. 25: 114, 116. n. d.
File 770 No. 159: 46. April 2011.
Arndt, Katrina; Van Beuren, Maia
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 7(1): 89-104. 2013.
Garcia, Chris
File 770 No. 159: 47-48. April 2011.
Salamon, Jeff
Austin American Statesman Sec. F, p. 1, 10. February 23, 2008.
in: Dann, Jack, ed. Nebula Awards Showcase 2005. New York: Roc, 2005. p. 271-277.
Patrick, Kat
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in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 55-79.
Locus 65(6): 13. December 2010.
EI-Mohtar, Amal; Narayan, Shweta; Shveta Thakrar, Shevta
in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 80-86.
Greener, Mark
Vector No. 224: 17-18. July/August 2002.
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