Elejalde Saenz, Aitziber
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Bones, Inga
Munchen: Grin Verlag, 2008. 56 p. [Not seen.]
Gindre, Philippe
Ph. D. Dissertation, A. N. R. T., Universite de Lille III, 1999. 3 microfiche
King, B. L.
SFRA Review 51(3): 218-223. Summer 2021.
Poghosyan, Zarine
Master's Thesis, Yerevan State University, 2013. 44 p.
Westfahl, Gary
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Extrapolation 34(4): 290-304. Winter 1993.
Siebold, Oliver
Doctoral Dissertation, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2000.; Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2000. 280 p.
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