Martini, Adrienne
Bookslut [10 p.] May 2004. (
Olson, Chris
Strange Horizons February 3, 2003. ( Accessed 2.February.2014.)
Chandler, Wayne A.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 9(2; [#34]): 157-165. 1998.
Sinor, Bradley H.
Starlog 203: 49-51. June 1994.
Brogan, Patricia
in: Bleiler, Richard, Ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2003. p. 161-168.
No authors listed.
in: Authors & Artists for Young Adults, Volume 36. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2001. p. 15-20.
Locus 32(3): 4, 73. March 1994.
Kelso, Sylvia
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 140: 1, 8-10. April 2000.
Ringel, Faye
Extrapolation 35(3): 201-210. Fall 1994.
Found 9 items on 1 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.