Bacon, Simon
In: Piatti-Parnell, Lorna, ed. Superhero Multiverse, The: Readapting Comic Book Icons in Twenty--First Century Film and Popular Media. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 199-216.
Zehr, E. Paul
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. 300 p.
Lerberg, Justin
in: Dariwsju, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of The Incredible Hulk: Essays on the Green Goliath in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 24-34.
Santayana, Vivek
In: Walton, Jo Lindsay, ed. Utopia on the Tabletop. Brighton, UK: Ping Press, 2024. p. 107-130.
Langsfod, Claire
In: Burke, Liam, Gorden, Ian, and Ndalianis, Angela, eds. The Superhero Symbol: Media, Culture, and Politics. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020. p. 171-188.
Regalado, Aldo J.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015. 289 p.
Curtis, Neal
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 32(2): 265-281. June 2019.
Brown, Jeffrey A.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001. 247 p.
Martin, Daniel
in; Denison, Rayna and Mizsei-Ward, Rachel, eds Superheroes on World Screens. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015. p. 94-112.
Chakraborty, Sohini
Insight: International Multilingual Journal for Arts and Humanities 1(6): 174-180. August, 2021.
Muller, Nat
SFRA Newsletter 51(1): 154-160. Winter 2021. (Symposium: Beyond Borders)
Johnson, David K.
In: Johnson, D. K., ed. Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, The. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 703-750.
Nama, Adilifu
African Identities 7(2): 145-159. May 2009. Also in: Jackson, Sandra and Moody-Freeman, Julie E., eds. The Black Imagination, Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative. New York: P. Lang, 2011. p. 32-46.
Smith, Michael
in: Dariwsju, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of The Incredible Hulk: Essays on the Green Goliath in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 156-167.
Schubart, Rikke
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 33(2): 160-172. 2020.
Hoberek, Andrew
Journal Of Modern Literature 39(2): 115-125. Winter 2016.
Knopf, Christina M.
In: Brode, Douglas, ed. DC Comics Universe, The: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 236-246.
McGarry, Cormac
In: McGarry, Cormac, Burke, Liam, and Gordon, Ian, eds. Superheroes Beyond. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2024. p. 135-150.
Maroney, Kevin J.
New York Review of Science Fiction 18(11): 1, 4-7. July 2006. (No. 215)
Hassler-Forest, Dan A.
Winchester, UK : Zero, 2012. 276 p.
Dittmer, Jason
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2013. 229 p.
Later, Naja
In: Burke, Liam, Gorden, Ian, and Ndalianis, Angela, eds. The Superhero Symbol: Media, Culture, and Politics. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020. p. 215-230.
Nagy, Peter
Modern Fiction Studies 67(4): 1-25. Winter 2021.
Bruce, Scott; Crawford, Bill
Starlog 223: 40-45. February 1996.
Kashtan, Aaron
Journal of Fandom Studies 6 (3): 243-261 (September 2018).
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